Aston Martin DBR1 Replica Vs. Porsche 550 Spyder Replica: Two Masters In 24 Hours Of Le Mans

The Aston Martin DBR1 and Porsche 550 deserve a place in a motorsport hall of fame. The original versions of these cars are very few. Only 5 of the Aston Martin DBR1 was ever made. As for the Porsche 550s, 99 of them were produced between 1953 and 1956. Today, each of these sports cars has a replica, and this article will compare the two replicas. Before we begin, here is a brief history of both racing cars. Specification Table of Aston Martin DBR1 Replica and Porsche 550 Spyder Replica Aston Martin DBR1 Replica  Porsche 550 Spyder Replica Interior Leather …

Read moreAston Martin DBR1 Replica Vs. Porsche 550 Spyder Replica: Two Masters In 24 Hours Of Le Mans

Considering Porsche 962 and Maserati 300S is a right choice for racing

The Porsche 962 vs Maserati 300s debate is based on the fact that these two sports cars were iconic and legendary.They have both taken part in creating a classic history of racing cars and sports car racing. They were both built to compete in top-class competitions by legendary race car drivers. Built almost 30 years apart, these two models were the best cars on the tracks in their respective years.This article will dive into their historical background, why they were made, their specifications, and general comparisons. Historical background  Maserati 300s Maserati 300s came first between 1955 and 1958. It was …

Read moreConsidering Porsche 962 and Maserati 300S is a right choice for racing